Benefits of Remedial Massage and Chiropractic Treatment Together

Are you stuck upon the question whether to receive chiropractic treatment or a remedial massage?

Why not try both as each treatment will benefit in improving your posture, health and wellbeing. Remedial massage is often recommended either before or after an adjustment.The combination of these two treatments provide effective and faster results. 

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Remedial massage can relieve the muscle tensions which may be pulling joints out of alignment and make it easier for the Chiropractor to adjust. By releasing stress and joints that are restricted before seeing a chiropractor can help you with the healing process. It can also reduce the pain and increase mobility within your joints.

Remedial massage involves improving the person’s joint motion and by releasing tension and tightness. This is through working with the soft tissue structures of the body. Remedial Massage not only provides treatment to your body but also to your mind. During the treatment there is a level of relaxation for you to release your body and mind. 

Chiropractic treatment may be daunting to some patients however by receiving a massage it can calm some of the anxiety. Both chiropractic treatment and remedial massage focus on different parts of your body. Remedial massage therapists will focus mainly on treating soft tissue muscles whilst chiropractors work on your spine, nervous systems and joints. Massage therapists specialises in releasing the impact of your joints to promote motion. Both joint restriction and the nervous system can impact your posture and stiffness around your muscles. 

In getting both chiropractic treatment and remedial massage it will effectively improve the function and mobility of your joints. It can also relieve any pain surrounding your body and can speed the healing process during your rehabilitation. 

If you have any further inquiries, give us a call at (02) 8964 6385 for a Chiropractic consultation with Dr Stephen Yoon or Dr Andrew Al Hage and Remedial Massage with Vivien. 

To book online, click here:  Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park


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