Do you have a “Text Neck”? 

What is Text Neck?

Text neck is a term to describe neck pain and back pain caused by long periods of time looking down at your phone, tablet or any other technological device which has consequently damaged the curvature of your neck.

Although for years people also look down when reading a book or to see things, texting has worsened this by causing us to look down for even longer periods of time. This is very concerning for the young generation as it can permanently damage their posture which lead to lifelong neck and back pain. 


What are the symptoms associated with text neck? 

Some of the common symptoms from having a possible text neck include : 

  • Soreness around your neck 

  • Upper back pain 

  • Muscle spasm 

  • Stiffness around your neck 

  • Shoulder pain and tightness 

  • Pain which radiates down your spine to your arms 

  • Tiredness and fatigue 

  • Headaches or migraines when looking down 

Did you know that 79% of the population aged between 18 to 44 hold on to their phone during the time they are awake. In comparison, only 2 hours of their waking day is spent without their phones. This shows a very high possibility of the population having a “text neck” even without them realising. 

How can “Text Neck” be treated?

There are many methods to fix and prevent having a text neck. These include: 

  • Holding your phone to eye level as much as possible. This is the same when using laptops, watching tv or reading a book. Everything should be placed at eye level to ensure the least amount strain and pain to your neck and back. 

  • Take breaks from your phone and laptop throughout the day. Be aware of your surroundings to break away from being heavily subdued to your phone. Take a breath or see around you to make sure you aren’t utilising your phone for great amounts of time. 

  • Stretch and exercise! The key to be healthy and improve your posture is to do small exercises and stretches throughout your day. This will relieve pain and allow your neck to rest at its natural position.

  • Be aware of how you are standing and sitting. Do a self posture check! Make an effort in maintaining a good posture and try to utilise supportive chairs to avoid your body to hunch forward to your phone. 

Lastly if you are experiencing any “Text Neck” symptoms including pain around your neck, back and shoulders see a chiropractor to assist you in adjusting and relieving the pain! 

If you have any further inquiries, give us a call at (02) 8964 6385 for a consultation with Dr Stephen Yoon or Dr Andrew Al Hage. 

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