Boosting Your Immune System

Our lifestyle plays a big role in whether or not we stay healthy on a consistent basis, and it can be hard to bring the right nutrients into your daily eating regime to assure you are boosting your immune system.

Our immune system is our first defence against germs and infections. This is why it’s necessary to nourish our bodies and boost our immunity for our long term health.

5 tips for boosting and keeping immune system healthy

  1. Stay hydrated - drink lots of water.

  2. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits - they’re full of antioxidants!

  3. Minimise processed sugary and deep fried foods.

  4. Exercise regularly to keep fit and healthy.

  5. Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking as they reduce immune function.

Using natural remedies

Herbs have been used traditionally to enhance immune function, and potentially reduce the likelihood of contracting colds and viruses as well as reducing duration and severity of the symptoms. 

  • Echinacea

  • Olive leaf

  • Astragalus

  • Elderberry

  • Andrographis

  • Garlic

These dietary supplements are also known to enhance immune function and the respiratory tract.

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin A and D

Preventing the spread of viruses and flus

  • Wash your hands often, soap and water are just as effective as hand sanitisers.

  • Don’t share eating utensils or cups with others.

  • If you do get sick sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow, rather than onto your hand.

  • Where possible avoid contact with people currently experiencing cold and flu symptoms.

  • Wear a mask if you are sick and need to go out in public.

Treatment for Immune System Problems

There are a variety of treatments available for those suffering from a failed immune system. If you are suffering from any of the disorders listed above, there are a variety of medications that may be available to aid in the various symptoms associated with these disorders. There is also an alternative form of treatment for those that are looking for a non-invasive and natural way to treat their immune system.

Chiropractic Treatment

While many may associate chiropractic treatment with those that are suffering from neck or back pain, know that there are more benefits than that! Chiropractic care aids in the overall health of patients and although adjustments of the spine help in relieving the pain of those suffering from back and neck discomfort, these adjustments also aid in our immune system. Our immune system is directly connected to our spine and when it is not aligned, it may through your entire system off track. Thus, resulting in a non-responsive system.

One of the main causes of immune system problems comes from the compression of nerve pathways. Chiropractors may use a variety of spinal manipulation to help relieve this compression and in turn may boost your immune system.  

For more assistance, call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!


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