Can Chiropractors fix my posture? YES!

Have you ever wondered what your posture will look like before and after you see a chiropractor?

It  is important to understand what good posture means to your health and wellbeing. A chiropractor is able to assess your spine and joints to examine any joint dysfunctions and pain you may be experiencing. A chiropractor is able to use adjustment methods in realigning your spine to ensure and promote good posture.

A chiropractor will often use their hands to induce movement in the joints that may be stiff and immobile to release tension and pain. An adjustment not only aligns your spine and neck, but it helps to stimulate your body’s natural healing process in helping you to gain good posture and overall comfort. 

During the assessment, a chiropractor will also look out for any postural imbalances you may have around your body. A chiropractor will not only look after your back and neck, but will make sure your body is symmetrically balanced to encourage good posture and to work more optimally. Once any discomfort and dysfunctions have been adjusted, the chiropractor will work with you in improving your posture and overall health through treatments, exercise and good nutrition. 

Chiropractors can help you with many different postural problems such as:

  • Hunchback

  • Uneven hips or pelvis

  • Forward head posture

  • Scoliosis

  • Damage to the normal curvature of the spine


Why is good posture important?

Good posture is often called a “neutral spine” and it can avoid back pain, stiffness and further injuries when performing daily tasks. A good posture not only helps improve your wellbeing, but it can boost your self-confidence, elevate your mood and your overall impression on others. A chiropractor can assist you in helping you achieve a good posture to prevent major health issues and relieve your pain in your back and neck. 

A good posture also helps us to stand, walk, sit and lie down with the least amount of strain and stress to your muscles and ligaments. It can prevent future consequences for you back and neck and improve your overall well-being when performing your daily activities. More reasons why good posture is important it because: 

  • Helps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly with the least amount of strain 

  • Reduces the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimizing the likelihood of injury and other major health issues 

  • Allows muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and preventing muscle fatigue.

  • Helps prevent muscle strain and even out the balance in your back 

To maintain and promote proper posture it requires you to recognize your postural habits and practice in fixing bad habits as soon as possible. A chiropractor can assist you in analysing and understanding the condition of your current posture and will help you to achieve the best posture through adjustments and alignments. 

For more assistance or inquiries regarding your posture please call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

We are located at Suite 105 102 Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park. 

For Online booking click here: 

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