Why can’t I find the right pillow?

Have you ever questioned the impact on the choice of your pillow? Pillows are an essential part of every individual's sleeping routine and many factors are affected with this choice. The simple pattern of sleeping can be impacted depending on the choice of pillow used. Moreover, spinal problems and upper back/neck pain can arise when the incorrect pillow is used. 

However, finding the right pillow for every individual can definitely be a struggle without professional advice. This is why our chiropractors recommend our new adjustable pillows for adults.This adjustable pillow can be moulded and adjusted into 12 different forms, allowing every individual to get properly fitted to accommodate their correct shape. The pillow caters to customise itself to the way you sleep, to provide the support and comfort that you need.


Within the ridges of the pillow, there are foam noodles which can be removed to mould to the way you sleep. The height, size and shape of the pillow is all adjustable. The pillow can be helpful in minimising snoring as it encourages clear breathing, and may also be beneficial for asthma sufferers.The pillow is made to encourage good posture and spinal alignment during sleep. The shape of the pillow allows the head and neck to be completely supported and through a core-foam surface, it further promotes airflow.


Benefits of having a good pillow

There are two functions of a pillow and that is to provide comfort and the second is to provide support to your neck and upper back when sleeping. Depending on these two factors, it can affect the quality of your sleep significantly. A good pillow moulds to the natural curve of the human spine to release tension and promote comfort to maximise your sleeping. Sleeping without a pillow or a pillow which does not provide adequate support will not only negatively affect your sleep, but it can lead to pain and soreness in your joints and muscles. 

Sleep is an important factor for living a healthy life and functioning daily tasks without discomfort and tiredness. Getting enough quality sleep is very dependent on the individuals sleeping habits, hygiene and conditions. One of the key factors in optimising your sleep is having a pillow which supports and prompts the needs of your discomfort and restlessness. Pillows have a considerable impact on the quality of your sleep and your overall well-being. 

Things to note when looking for a pillow

When purchasing or looking for a pillow, consider how it provides support to your neck and back, as well as the level of comfort it provides than sleeping without a pillow. It is important remember how your sleeping conditions draw upon the quality of sleep and rest you will get. A pillow further allows the human spine to be outstretched in its natural state without unnecessary stress and discomfort. Sleeping with the wrong pillow or without a pillow will result in stiffness in your neck and back. 


Selecting the pillow that is right for you is heavily dependent on the position that you sleep in the most. For people who sleep on their back a pillow which supports the natural curve of the neck is best. If you sleep on your side a pillow which helps to keep your neck straight would be the best. For people who sleep on their stomach it is best recommended to sleep with a thin pillow or a flat pillow.  Pillows are often self-preference however it is also good to be aware of the pillow which is best suited for you by a chiropractor. This is to ensure that during your sleep your back and neck is supported with a pillow which best suits your needs.

Sleeping without a pillow / unsupportive pillow causes: 

  • Bad posture 

  • Neck and back pain 

  • Stiff neck and back 

  • Intensifies headaches

  • Sleep deprivation

Sleeping with a supportive pillow (memory foam) benefits:

  • Comfort and support for your neck and back 

  • Prevents snoring 

  • Contours your posture 

  • Spine alignment

  • Relieves pressure and counterbalances the points in the body

  • Combats headaches

Why having the correct pillow is important and recommended by our Doctors

Our adjustable pillows have been proven to have improved back and neck pain. It provides you with the support needed to ensure ultimate comfort when you sleep. 

If you have back or neck pain while you sleep or if you have further inquiries regarding the pillows, give us a call at (02) 8964 6385 for a consultation with Dr Stephen Yoon or Dr Andrew Al Hage. To book online, click here:  Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park

Can Chiropractors fix my posture? YES!

Have you ever wondered what your posture will look like before and after you see a chiropractor?

It  is important to understand what good posture means to your health and wellbeing. A chiropractor is able to assess your spine and joints to examine any joint dysfunctions and pain you may be experiencing. A chiropractor is able to use adjustment methods in realigning your spine to ensure and promote good posture.

A chiropractor will often use their hands to induce movement in the joints that may be stiff and immobile to release tension and pain. An adjustment not only aligns your spine and neck, but it helps to stimulate your body’s natural healing process in helping you to gain good posture and overall comfort. 

During the assessment, a chiropractor will also look out for any postural imbalances you may have around your body. A chiropractor will not only look after your back and neck, but will make sure your body is symmetrically balanced to encourage good posture and to work more optimally. Once any discomfort and dysfunctions have been adjusted, the chiropractor will work with you in improving your posture and overall health through treatments, exercise and good nutrition. 

Chiropractors can help you with many different postural problems such as:

  • Hunchback

  • Uneven hips or pelvis

  • Forward head posture

  • Scoliosis

  • Damage to the normal curvature of the spine


Why is good posture important?

Good posture is often called a “neutral spine” and it can avoid back pain, stiffness and further injuries when performing daily tasks. A good posture not only helps improve your wellbeing, but it can boost your self-confidence, elevate your mood and your overall impression on others. A chiropractor can assist you in helping you achieve a good posture to prevent major health issues and relieve your pain in your back and neck. 

A good posture also helps us to stand, walk, sit and lie down with the least amount of strain and stress to your muscles and ligaments. It can prevent future consequences for you back and neck and improve your overall well-being when performing your daily activities. More reasons why good posture is important it because: 

  • Helps us keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly with the least amount of strain 

  • Reduces the stress on the ligaments holding the spinal joints together, minimizing the likelihood of injury and other major health issues 

  • Allows muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and preventing muscle fatigue.

  • Helps prevent muscle strain and even out the balance in your back 

To maintain and promote proper posture it requires you to recognize your postural habits and practice in fixing bad habits as soon as possible. A chiropractor can assist you in analysing and understanding the condition of your current posture and will help you to achieve the best posture through adjustments and alignments. 

For more assistance or inquiries regarding your posture please call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

We are located at Suite 105 102 Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park. 

For Online booking click here: 

Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park

Stress Relief

What is stress?

Stress is a bodily response which is triggered when you are faced with any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger, whether it is physical or mental, the bodily defenses kick in to protect you through a process called the “fight-or-flight” or “stress response”. Stress is a mechanism in shielding yourself to keep you from working properly, stay focused and alert. 


What causes stress? 

There are many factors which can cause stress. This could be from social problems, work problems, family problems and many more. Stress can be triggered by both external and internal factors. Feeling overwhelmed, sad and a sense of anxiety, can all lead to over-stressing, which can ultimately affect how you function during your daily activities. Stress tends to worsen and build overtime, and it can be difficult to release stress if it is not addressed quickly. People who are stressed are also prone to remain in a state of heightened stress which can disrupt your nervous system and suppress your immune system. This can lead to: lack of appetite, speeding up the aging process and leaving you vulnerable to serious mental illnesses.

Stress can be both detrimental for your health and well being. It can cause major health problems such as: 

  1. Depression and anxiety

  2. Sleeping problems

  3. Autoimmune diseases

  4. Digestive problems

  1. Headaches and migraines 

  2. Heart disease

  3. Weight problems

  4. Reproductive issues

  5. Back and neck pain 

How stress affects your back and neck

Stress affects the body in a myriad of ways. However, it can also affect your posture and provoke neck and back pain. When we are stressed out, our body releases certain hormones which increases our blood pressure, causing the muscles around our spine to tense up. As stress also triggers headaches and puts weight onto your neck, it can also provoke symptoms such as fatigue and irritability. 

Stress can cause our self-esteem to drop, leaving us to naturally hunch our back which can lead to poor posture. This can then strain the muscles around the back and neck. During stressful times, people become more sedentary and lethargic, leaving them to be less active. 

Tips to reduce your stress levels 

  1. Get moving and exercise more

  2. Connect to others and talk about your thoughts

  3. Engage your senses and be more aware of your surroundings

  4. Try to relax and take a deep breath

  5. Eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated by drinking water frequently

  6. Get your rest and sleep

Lastly, if you are feeling any discomfort or stress in your neck and back, call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation.

We are located at Suite 105 102 Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park. 

For Online booking click here: 

Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park

Correct Footwear

Did you know that what shoes you wear can have a great impact on your back and posture? 

Wearing the correct footwear is important to ensure your feet are elevated to the correct alignment to make your movements and mobility comfortable. Wearing the wrong footwear not only causes your feet to experience pain and discomfort but it can cause lower back pain by changing the body’s weight-bearing axis. This is how your body holds up when you are walking and moving whilst doing daily tasks. 


Types of shoes to avoid 

Flat shoes (Ballet Flats, Jandels, Thongs)

Flat shoes do not provide support or comfort to the feet which can cause inflamed tendons and soreness in the heel of your feet. Although it is mistakenly taken as the correct shoe to wear when standing for a long period of time, flat shoes provoke friction in the feet and unneeded pressure to your hips, back and neck. 


High heels 

Wearing heels continuously can cause chronic back soreness, spasms and eventually lead to arthritis. This is due to the fact that high heels cause the chest to lean forward and tilt the pelvis outwards. This unnatural posture causes pain in the lower spine. For occasions it is only recommended to wear high heel for a maximum of 3 hours a day. 

Chiropractors not only address pain and issues related to your spine and back but they can also help release tension or discomfort in your foot and ankle through adjustments. Pain in your feet can affect your overall posture and develop joint issues in your knees, hips, wrists, elbows and also shoulders. 

Types of shoes that are recommended 

  • Low-heeled shoe 

  • Adequately cushioned shoe 

  • Shoes with orthotic insoles 

  • Well-fitted running shoe  

What to consider when trying to find new shoes

  • Look for shoes with enough space for your toes

  • Look for comfortable shoes that have a stretchy material. This will help with daily activities allowing your feet to move inside the shoes

  • Make sure the shoes aren’t too big because this can cause your heels to slip

  • Make sure you stand and walk around when trying on new shoes to ensure you like the fit

  • Wear the same socks in store that you usually wear with shoes to make sure the shoe fits right

  • Look at the soles to see if they are firm enough, this may help with people who play sports

Visit our chiropractors if you are experiencing : 

  • Back pain 

  • Neck pain 

  • Ankle pain 

  • Feet discomfort 

Prescribed orthotics by a chiropractor can correct abnormal posture caused by foot pain and accommodate in providing support and cushion to improve posture and stance.  

Shoe recommendations by our chiropractor Dr Andrew Al Hage

  • Asics Gel Kayanos

  • Under Armour running shoes 

For more assistance or inquiries please call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

We are located at Suite 105 102 Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park. 

For Online booking click here: 

Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park

Chiro for Kids

What is a good posture for kids? 

A good posture is the child’s awareness of how they are sitting and standing with the least amount of strain to their back and neck. It is important to address and promote good posture for children to develop better habits and prevent many physical problems which can hamper their daily activities and general well-being when they become an adult. Poor posture is often a side effect developed over an excessive period of time which gradually worsens when it is not addressed or treated properly. Bad posture does not only lead to back, neck and other spinal problems but it can also lead to a plethora of major medical issues including obesity, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary disease.

Did you know ? 

Adults spend over half of their waking hours sitting down throughout the day. Children also spend 8.5 hours sitting down throughout the day. It is interesting to note that your posture can have an impact on how you are emotionally feeling. If you are hunching over with a bad posture it can trigger negative memories! On the other hand sitting or standing upright with a good posture can brighten your mood and also cognitively recollect positive thoughts!

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Factors which can impact the posture of a child

Maintaining and developing good posture from childhood and adolescence is important for good health. Posture of a child can be influenced by a number of factors: 

  • Age and gender

  • Self-confidence

  • Height and weight 

  • Seating equipment and arrangement at school and home 

  • The weight and size of their school bag 

Tips for your child’s good posture

  • Ensure that chairs and desks are of appropriate size and height for your child.. The chair should allow the child to touch the floor with their feet when their bottom is positioned at the very back of the chair. The backrest of the chair should support from the lower back to the shoulder blades. It's important they try to maintain good posture by keeping shoulders back and relaxed with both feet firmly on the floor.

  • When the child is studying, elevate the laptop or book to eye level with a pillow. Sitting on stools or chairs without back support can also encourage the child to practise good posture. 

  • The school backpack should be worn over both shoulders and the heavier items are placed closer to the child’s back. It’s important that they are carried and packed correctly by wearing it with both straps, adjusting the bag to the correct height and ensuring only the essentials are packed.

  • When a child is standing for a long period of time ask them to squat! Squatting is a simple and easy exercise which lengthens the back and releases the tension by utilising your knees to its full extent. 

  • Maintaining a nutritious diet is important at any age, but especially for growing and developing children. Eating a balanced, healthy diet is essential to keeping kids alert in the classroom and active in the playground.

  • Watch the way your child eats ! Make sure your child is not leaning forward to eat their food but brings the food to them to improve good posture.

  • Although technology and smart devices are a part of modern learning, try to reduce recreational screen time to two hours every day or at least maintain a balance between screen and non-screen related activities 

  • Getting enough physical activity is key for a child’s wellbeing, so as a guide, kids should try and get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily.

  • Make sure everything the child is seeing or using is eye-level! 

As a community, it is important that we support children and educate them to make the right decisions about their health and wellbeing.


Visit our Chiropractic clinic and consult with Dr Stephen or Dr Andrew if: 

  • Your child complains about any back pain or neck pain which interferes with their sleep or everyday activities

  • Slouches over constantly 

  • Unable to stand up straight or difficulty in doing so 

  • Appears to have uneven and bad posture which includes a curve in the spine when standing 

  • Feels tired or drowsy from long periods of sitting or standing up 

Our Chiropractors at Spinal Care Chiropractic Clinic located in Sydney Olympic Park can provide you with advice and assistance on implementing these positive health habits into your child’s daily activities. 

For more assistance about your child’s spine or neck inquiries please call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

We are located at Suite 105 102 Bennelong Parkway, Sydney Olympic Park. 

For Online booking click here: 

Book Chiro, Physio, Massage — SpinalCare Olympic Park | Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage - Olympic Park

What is Sciatica & How Can Chiropractic Help?

What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a type of nerve pain caused by irritation and/or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerves begin in the lower back, down the hips, glutes, and legs. This condition typically occurs when a herniated disc or bone spur presses on the Sciatic nerve.

How do I know if I have Sciatica?
Although symptoms for sciatica can differ person to person, general symptoms include:

  • Lower back pain.

  • Pain in the glutes or leg that is worse when sitting.

  • Hip pain.

  • Burning or tingling down the leg.

  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot.

  • A constant pain on one side of the rear.

  • A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up.

How can Chiropractic treat Sciatica?
One of the most common treatments for sciatica is spinal adjustments (spinal manipulations) by chiropractors. Spinal adjustments helps free any restricted movement of the spine and helps restore misaligned vertebral bodies to their proper position. Through adjustments, nerve irritability is reduced, as is inflammation, muscle spasms, pain and other symptoms associated with sciatica. If you suspect or have been diagnosed with sciatica, come into Spinal Care Chiropractic, Olympic Park for an adjustment today. Begin your pain free journey with us. To book an appointment with Dr. Yoon or Dr. Al Hage, simply book online or call us on (02) 8964 6385.

What is Nerve Pain & How Can Chiropractic Help?

Nerve pain, commonly identified as neuralgia or neuropathic pain, is when a disruption occurs in the central nervous system, targeting connections between the brain and spinal cord. These targeted nerves can run to muscles and organs if left untreated. The most common injuries associated with nerve pain have a high involvement of the brain, spine or nerves.

Nerve pain can be felt in many different ways - for instance, some experience a tingling sensation while others experience a stabbing pain.

Although treating pain associated with pinched nerves can seem difficult, it is common among chiropractors. Chiropractic can help provide treatment to remedy and alleviate nerve pain.

Of course, medication can help deal with the pain temporarily, however, it will not fix the nerve pain permanently or address the underlying issue. Our Chiropractors at Spinal Care, Sydney Olympic Park can help you understand the root cause of your nerve pain and assist you on getting back your normal health.

Spinal adjustments, examination, exercise and additional stretches recommended by Dr Steve and Dr Andrew will ensure a healthy progress towards a pain free journey.

If you’re experiencing nerve pain, don’t leave it untreated! The pathway of recovery is near at Spinal Care Chiropractic so don’t hesitate to call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

Boosting Your Immune System

Our lifestyle plays a big role in whether or not we stay healthy on a consistent basis, and it can be hard to bring the right nutrients into your daily eating regime to assure you are boosting your immune system.

Our immune system is our first defence against germs and infections. This is why it’s necessary to nourish our bodies and boost our immunity for our long term health.

5 tips for boosting and keeping immune system healthy

  1. Stay hydrated - drink lots of water.

  2. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits - they’re full of antioxidants!

  3. Minimise processed sugary and deep fried foods.

  4. Exercise regularly to keep fit and healthy.

  5. Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking as they reduce immune function.

Using natural remedies

Herbs have been used traditionally to enhance immune function, and potentially reduce the likelihood of contracting colds and viruses as well as reducing duration and severity of the symptoms. 

  • Echinacea

  • Olive leaf

  • Astragalus

  • Elderberry

  • Andrographis

  • Garlic

These dietary supplements are also known to enhance immune function and the respiratory tract.

  • Vitamin C

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin A and D

Preventing the spread of viruses and flus

  • Wash your hands often, soap and water are just as effective as hand sanitisers.

  • Don’t share eating utensils or cups with others.

  • If you do get sick sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow, rather than onto your hand.

  • Where possible avoid contact with people currently experiencing cold and flu symptoms.

  • Wear a mask if you are sick and need to go out in public.

Treatment for Immune System Problems

There are a variety of treatments available for those suffering from a failed immune system. If you are suffering from any of the disorders listed above, there are a variety of medications that may be available to aid in the various symptoms associated with these disorders. There is also an alternative form of treatment for those that are looking for a non-invasive and natural way to treat their immune system.

Chiropractic Treatment

While many may associate chiropractic treatment with those that are suffering from neck or back pain, know that there are more benefits than that! Chiropractic care aids in the overall health of patients and although adjustments of the spine help in relieving the pain of those suffering from back and neck discomfort, these adjustments also aid in our immune system. Our immune system is directly connected to our spine and when it is not aligned, it may through your entire system off track. Thus, resulting in a non-responsive system.

One of the main causes of immune system problems comes from the compression of nerve pathways. Chiropractors may use a variety of spinal manipulation to help relieve this compression and in turn may boost your immune system.  

For more assistance, call Spinal Care Chiropractic on (02) 8964 6385 or book online to see Dr. Stephen Yoon or Dr. Andrew Al Hage for a consultation!

Look After Yourself

There is no doubt that quarantine has taken a toll on each and every one of us. Whether the toll has been big or small, it has never been more important than now to practice self-care and look after oneself. The next time you find yourself going stir-crazy due to quarantine, keep these tips in mind and give them a try.

  • Keep active.
    Not only does exercise help release endorphins (happy chemicals in your brain), it is also an excuse to step out of the house and enjoy the outdoors! Keeping active during quarantine has countless benefits from keeping you healthy to keeping you occupied. Try going for a walk or a jog - you might find yourself picking up a new hobby!

  • Eat healthy.
    Let’s be real, quarantine has given us an excuse to indulge in our cravings and eat way too much junk food. While a candy is great occasionally, it is important for our bodies and overall health to keep eating healthy and get all our vitamins and nutrients. Try switching chocolate and chips for blueberries, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds or nuts instead - these are great brain foods.

  • Keep hydrated.
    Drink your water! Keeping hydrated has a plethora of benefits from keeping your skin rejuvenated to preventing an oncoming headache. Avoid drinking liquids with artificial sugars and added sweeteners.

  • Creativity is your best friend.
    There has never been a more perfect time to pick up a new hobby and get creative. Stuck in the house all day? Give gardening a try. Or, if you’re not much of an outdoor person, knitting is a great activity that helps build fine-motor skills and critical thinking.

  • Relax, Rest and Sleep.
    For those of you who are working from home and finding it hard to separate work-time from me-time, here is your reminder! Remember to give yourself a break to relax and unwind as over-working can take a physical and mental toll on one’s well-being. Try to get in 8 hours of sleep each night so you are refreshed and ready for the next day.

  • Connect with others.
    Quarantine doesn’t mean that you cannot see your friends or family at all. Thanks to technology, we now have plenty of ways to connect with others from the comfort of our own homes. Catch up with your loved ones through messaging, FaceTime, Zoom calls and Skype. Remember to check up on your friends - they’re probably going stir crazy too.

 If during quarantine you find yourself experiencing back pain, neck pain or just stress and need to unwind, Spinal Care is open! Our practitioners are still available and working hard to provide you with your chiropractic and massage needs. To book an appointment with our practitioners, you can book online or give us a call on 8964 6385.



Pain Relief at Home

With around 8 in 10 Australians experiencing back pain at some point in their lives, it is an extremely common and uncomfortable problem. Fortunately, there are some remedies that can be practiced at home to help manage back pain.

To alleviate discomfort and pain at home, give these remedies a try. 

  • Exercise:
    It can be hard to get up, let alone move when back pain strikes. However, low impact exercises such as yoga or a short walk can often help alleviate back pain. This is because exercise helps loosen tense muscles and release endorphins.

  • Cold and heat therapy:
    Ice packs can help minimise pain by reducing inflammation after an injury - note, ice packs are most beneficial when used in the first 24 to 48 hours of an injury. After 48 hours, switching to heat can help relieve stiffness in the muscles. 

  • Stretch:
    Stretching can help relieve back pain as it reduces tension in the muscles that support the spine. Some popular stretches include toe-touches, Child’s pose, and Cobra pose.  

  • Complementary therapies: 
    Massage therapy and Chiropractic can be helpful in providing relief for back pain. Massage therapy can help relax aching muscles, meanwhile Chiropractic adjustments can help correct the spine. 

If you continue to experience back pain despite these remedies, it may be time to seek help from a Chiropractor or Massage Therapist. To book an appointment at Spinal Care Chiropractic for your massage or chiropractic needs, please call us on (02) 8964 6385. Alternatively, you can book online